Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance

2 years ago

My focus is to observe my cubs , and document my care and bear cub ,and yearling behavioral observations/data,...I do supplement my cubs daily,and fill 2 tubs with clean water 2Xdaily - I will be glad when the autumnal equinox arrives and fills my 2 vernal pools with an abundance of water = they have 2 beautiful vernal pools full of water in the spring , and then again in the fall,and I can take the tubs out. I gather natural food for them as well ;though they get natural food in my 5 acres too = I make sure; that their natural instinctive foraging behavior is not compromised,thus I gather natural food as much as I can.I clean my cubs out 2Xdaily in my midsize pen and in my 5 acres = I clean poop. I have got to say - my beautiful cubs have it made in the shade...Life is good
All my cubs have natural instinctive
foraging skills = I introduce natural
food from the early beginnings = even
when I have them as young
neonates, and am bottle feeding cubs
at a young age of development, and as
soon as natural food appears I gather
it early spring even though
cubs are born in the Winter it is
essential for me to get anything I can
1st sign of natural
foods - The buds on the maple trees
seem to be one of the 1st foods sources
to arrive and them Greenup = other
greens/grasses,. Natural food
enhances their instinctive traits that
they have within them –
without faulter = they use
their skills – so they will work during
their foraging techniques.
Note: I don’t believe any young cub –
that I, raise Into Yearlings - will
ever die of starvation in the wild -
Sadly, other causes have happened to
some, but their skills regarding foraging
and having enough habitat
fairly secluded is a plus ; Because I
raise my cubs allowing them to be
bears I have been
able to document their
extraordinary repetitive wild foraging
capabilities, and other behavioral data
over the years, and I have backed up all
my data = I am confident with what the
bears have taught me over the years, and
Lord knows I continue to learn from
them, and I learn from ups and downs
and pick
myself back up from any trials and
errors, and those who think they know
it all - may want to step back and
review - Just saying…Don’t ever
underestimate what knowledge and
cautionary insight provides – it is
worth much more than jewels.

Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor
dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record - video/film
The Very Bears that I care for &
Observe at Home Sweet Home

No one is to print, copy my
photography, nor copy, download any
of my recordings and data that I
have gathered in Real-time
= it is all copy written

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