The Seven Churches of Revelation: Pergamum, 2:12-17

2 years ago

Pergamum is the third church in our circuit. The city was located about 100 miles north of Ephesus, and 15 miles inland. It had no port or major trade route. It was the Capital of the province of Asia, and it had a massive library (2nd only to Alexandria). The city was the religious center of the region and featured impressive temples to several Roman gods, including Zeus, Asklepios (god of healing) and Caesar. The city was built on terraces around a 1,000 ft. hill with the temples being at the top.
The church in Pergamum was probably planted from Ephesus. The Pergamum Christians are addressed by the Lord Jesus, and like Ephesus, He recounts their faith acts before getting to the core of their spiritual failings.
This church, while not denying the faith, has become worldly. They are being tolerant of those who are bringing wicked ideas and practices into the body. They may have thought of themselves as compassionate and loving, but Jesus gives them a stern rebuke. Jesus isn’t playing games with His church, and He will not allow His people to either.
As we unpack this passage, notice that our Lord reveals the sword of judgment, calls His church to reject worldly influences, and promises reward for faithful living.

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