Living Holiness in Today's World: Week 1 Part 1

5 years ago

Bible study on “Living Catholic Holiness in Today’s World”. Come and learn about the meaning of holiness, the traits of being Catholic, the universal call to holiness, the dangers to avoid in one’s spiritual journey and much, much more!

There are two choices for this class (same class each week - you can switch back and forth as you wish):

Mondays, starting Monday, August 19, at 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms H & I upstairs in the Pastoral Center or Wednesdays, starting Wednesday, August 21, at 9:30 a.m. in Meeting Rooms H & I upstairs in the Pastoral Center (we will offer free babysitting for the Wednesday morning session so long as there is a need for it: please contact Andrea Avila by phone at 858-487-0491 or email her at to sign up for babysitting.)

There is no need to sign up, no fee (a freewill offering is taken up), so bring a Bible and a friend and get ready to grow in the holiness that God created you to enjoy!

Christopher G. O'Donnell, bsp, is the Director of Catechetical Ministry at San Rafael Parish in San Diego, CA.

Vatican link to Gaudete et Exsultate

Chapter One: The Call to Holiness: The Saints Who Encourage and Accompany Us

Canonization process:
1. A life of heroic virtue
2. The sacrificing of their own life as a martyr
3. In a life constantly offered for others even until death

The Saints "Next Door"
Christian faith requires community

The Lord Calls
- "be holy, for I am Holy"

For You Too
Consecrated Live out your vows and commitment joyfully
Married Love and care for your spouse as Christ does for the Church
Laborer Work with integrity and skill in the service of others
Parent/Grandparent Patiently teach children how to follow Jesus
Position of authority Work for the common good and renounce all personal gain

4 Important points to help us life the life of holiness:
1. “Turn to God in every situation”;
2. “When you feel the temptation to dwell on your own weakness, raise your eyes to Christ crucified”;
3. Ask Jesus constantly for mercy (= “Lord, I am a poor sinner, but You can work the miracle of making me a little bit better”); and,
4. Use the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed upon the Church: “the gifts of Scripture, the sacraments, holy places, living communities, the witness of the saints.”

Your Mission in Christ

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