2 years ago

#dutch pour, #acrylic paint pour #acrylic painting, #fluidart, #cynpaw,
#Acrylicdutchpour, #paint
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Canvas 10x20

Artist Loft soft body white for base
Liquitex burnt umber
Amsterdam naples yellow deep
Artist Loft copper
Amsterdam titanium white with Vallejo pearl medium
Deco Art metallic pewter
Soho Silver
Artist Loft metallic orange

Our paints are mixed:
1 part paint
2 parts American Floetrol
0.75 or 3/4ths part water

Today's video was the 1st video we ever recorded; it was on an inferior
camera that wouldn't record 60 fps therefore the fast forward would not edit correctly, that being said I thought it was still worth showing.
Cyn managed to take a poor blow out and make this sick Dragon Zombie
while under the pressure of never been on camera before so let's give her a
great big thumbs up and comment.

We hope you enjoy this video. Please like and subscribe if you do.
If you are interested in any of our work or would like a commission piece, contact us at cynpawcreations@gmail.com

Music I Use:

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