Hearing Voices – what are the voices you hear, how can you expand your perception?

2 years ago

Description: Join me on this episode as the magical Sam the writer of the book “Visionary” goes deep on mental health, navigating Intensity, hearing voices and having visions as well as we dabel in the process of awakening.

We extensively talk about the wisdom accessible through Intuitive senses and expand perception. No longer do you need to feel you are the only one and going crazy. This episode will help it all make sense!

OMG, this episode is super packed with so much more that I cannot even define in words. Get on, listen and prepare to have your mind blown by this expansive conversation.
Here is the link to Sam's new book “Visionary”: https://www.awakenhq.com/visionary

Learn more about Leisa and her services here: https://www.leisanadler.com/

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