LIVE: JESSE LEE PETERSON: Spirituality without Morality

2 years ago

LIVE Saturday 7/16/22 at 6 pm Pacific Time (U.S.) / 9 pm Eastern Time...

Reports of controversial Christian minister Jesse Lee Peterson's homosexual grooming and predatory behavior is spreading around the Internet. Meanwhile, many of his remaining supporters continue to repeat Peterson's claim that "anger is the only sin," that the 10 Commandments are not important, that you can "separate the man from the message," and that--since Peterson likes to quote, "Of yourself, you can do NOTHING," it is apparently okay to continue sinning--no matter who gets hurt in the process.

This is extremely dangerous thinking--and bears no resemblance to true Christian thought or living.

The Nicolaitans were a self-indulgent sect who practiced eating foods sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality. In Revelations 2:6, JESUS commended the church of Ephesus for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans. True Christians today should also find this kind of self-indulgence sickening.

Jesse Lee Peterson's "theology" is no different than that of the Nicolaitans of old. It is simply an excuse to continue in sin, until God finally gets around to cleaning up your actions after he has "cleaned your heart."

Peterson has lost almost all of his old congregation, and now takes advantage of the ignorance or moral relativism of the young. It is a tragedy, and God willing, some will awaken to this great evil.

He is so wily, smooth and charismatic in his delivery, that as the Bible has said, "He will seduce all but the most stable soul."

I myself fell under Peterson's seductive sway, and sinned with him for a decade, before God woke me up. Now I am doing all I can to wake up others.

I AM FIT Podcast 07 10 22: Short clip: "JLP Church Member Argues Adultery is NOT a Sin!"

Special Assignment - Amazing Disgrace" (Expose of Jesse Lee Peterson)

PROOF @Jesse Lee Peterson is a Homosexual Predator Pastor!

WITNESSES From "Amazing Disgrace" JESSE LEE PETERSON Exposé ANSWER YOUR Questions!

"Jesse, STOP MAN, I'm trying to pull up my pants" SHOCKING NEW TESTIMONY #JesseGate (21 Studios)

#JesseGate Exclusive Interview with Joe Enders and Pat Rooney of "Amazing Disgrace" RMG Ep 170 (21 Studios)

The TRUTH re 'Amazing Disgrace' EXPOSE on JESSE LEE PETERSON (Old School with Patrick Rooney)

Anti-Gay Conservative Pundit Jesse Lee Peterson EXPOSED as Closeted Homosexual (The Humanist)

Jesse Lee Peterson EXPOSED as a Groomer and a Predator? (Vaush)

Anti-Gay Jesse Lee Peterson is Gay, Was Handsy with Me (David Pakman)

"The DEVIL Has My Old Friend, JESSE LEE PETERSON" (Old School website--Patrick Rooney)

"7-Minute Meditation" (Roy Masters)
Old School (Natural Health / Success / Freedom)

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