2 years ago

Patrick Rooney, Founder of Old School (Natural Health / Success / Freedom) convenes a panel to help wake up Americans to the war that appears to be coming right for us.

China has designs on much more than Taiwan, and the situation there is drawing them closer to Russia, who has designs on more than Ukraine.

Meanwhile, a full-on cultural and political war is escalating in the United States. Is it breaking into CIVIL war?

It's time for Americans--and freedom-loving people worldwide--to see and stand up to the EVIL that is attacking us--seemingly from every angle.

We must wake up spiritually, mentally, physically, culturally, and politically.

Our enemies' intentions are now clear. The question is, are WE clear? Many of us, perhaps most, are not and a wakeup call is in order!

Old School (Natural Health / Success / Freedom): https://oldschoolus.com

DONATE: https://oldschoolus.com/donate

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