Make America Godly Again, Part 4 (Praying Through the Bible #365)

5 years ago

TEXT: 1 Timothy 2:1-8

In verse 2 of this passage, Paul extends his command that "supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men" to a more specific class of people. He says, "For kings, and for all that are in authority." Government leaders need our prayers just as much as everyone else. We sometimes mistakenly think that political power is separate and apart from the influence of God. We act as if a political regime is equal in significance to the kingdom of God. But this is not the case. The kingdom of God is over any and all political kingdoms, and the Church is the representation of the kingdom of God on earth. Thus, the Church is, in the larger and more spiritual sense, over political kingdoms. The government is not equal to the Church. The Church is over the government. The sycophantic, compromising pastors and preachers advising presidents today are disgusting and are the main reason America is in the mess we are in today. Always remember that advisors and counsellors are more powerful than the people they advise and counsel. They are, indeed, the power behind the throne. If you have been invited to advise and counsel a president and he does not take heed to your advice and counsel, then you are not a prophet; you are a puppet being used by the president. For God’s sake, for Jesus’ sake, and for the Kingdom’s sake you ought to resign immediately and focus on doing what God called you to do, and that is to preach the Gospel. In case you are wondering who I am talking about, I am talking about specifically the pastors and preachers who advised former president Obama, and the pastors and preachers who are now advising President Trump. President Obama lied to the church and to the world about his view on homosexuality and homosexual marriage to get elected. He was the first president is U.S. history to sanction homosexuality and homosexual marriage in this country. It is embarrassing to black Americans and to Africans being that he was the first black president. Now, President Trump is a supporter of homosexuality and homosexual marriage, recently saying that a man who is married to a man and who is running for president “is good.” I find it strange that President Trump has overturned everything that President Obama has done, but this one thing: the government sanctioning of homosexuality and the double abomination of homosexual marriage. This tragic compromise and evil is important to bring up because all of the pastors and preachers who advised President Obama and all of the pastors and preachers who are advising President Trump all know something that these presidents do not understand, and that is, the simple principle that in God’s economy you “reap what you sow.” “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” And that when you “sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.” And that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” This means if you do what you think is a little evil and a little compromising in a corner of the house, eventually, no matter what good you do elsewhere in the house, that evil is going to bring down the entire house.

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