Melbourne Protest Rally - 13 08 2022 - Part 4 of 7

2 years ago

Standing at tram tracks on Royal Parade between "The Women's" & "Telix pharmaceuticals".
All Protesters are out of the roadway for a Ambulance to pass without hinderance or obstruction to make its way to "the women's".
Person at hospital upper level with a paper bag in her hand signaled to get police over to where she was when she noticed a protester near by. Not in the hospital or on hospital grounds, just near them, so police and security rush by to make sure no protesters are anywhere near them.
Police going to her direction obviously draws all to see what was happening, drawing attention to themselves.
9 thugs line up outside the window, most lined up against the window - for reason only they know.
Abusive thugs from before previous video continue to make a line between the hospital grounds where no Protesters were going and the Protesters, Protesters had already moved on.
Speech being made notifying people they are there for the protection of children.

March up Royal Parade to "The Royal Childrens Hospital".

Person at the 21:35 to 22:00 section gets special treatment to pass police line to film the protesters ( say what ? ).

Below is what lying treasonous false accusing deceiving channel 9 news presented about the peaceful protesters actions at the hospitals which you will see what really happened within this video.

Someones video from the protest group video made it to the channel 9 news segment where channel 9 trash talking the protesters.

Its news presenter Peter Hitchener made these false accusations and lies below.
You will see all their statements are false through watching this video.

The person who's video was on the channel 9 news program was to my left at the time I see the segment of their video location.
This is what was said on Channel 9 news segment below.

Peter Hitchener: Families of sick children say they left scared and intimidated as protesters picketed Melbourne's major hospitals.
While the anti-vaxxers deny access was blocked, there are now calls for hospitals to be protected from demonstrations. Mimi Becker reports.

Mimi Becker: Outside the royal childrens hospital protesters stamped their authority.
Inside amoungst hundreds of sick kids 11 year old Darcy her mum Kasey forced to drive through the protesting pack to reach her little girl undergoing chemo for a rare blood cancer.

Karly Kirk: So I was nervous and I was scared as I was coming through it was like a pure rage that then escalated into arr a like tears.

Mimi Becker: The group of anti-Vaxxers blocked access to the hospital around 2 o clock on saturday afternoon.
Police and security standing firm as cars were flagged through and the hospital front door locked.

Karly Kirk: To have this extra burden of worry as you coming in the door ei ei it was just awful.

Mimi Becker: The demonstration continued outside the royal melbourne and the royal womens igniting calls for hospitals to be protected as an exclusion zone for protest.

Dr Stephen Parnis: There is always that potential that delays or intimidation can make a bad situation worse.

Jaala Pulford: I spent a month of my life living on a couch at the childrens hospital and I think those people should have a good hard think about what they are doing.

Mimi Becker: while no-one from the hospital wanted to comment on the protest today a police spokes person did say that they were extremely disappointed by the behaviour of protesters choosing to target hospitals.

Dr Stephen Parnis: I'd prefer to not give these people any oxygen beyond a mask in a resuscitation bay when they struggling to breath.

Karly Kirk: Having a parent upset upsets a patient upsets the whole team thats supporting us its its much bigger than they realise.

Mimi Becker: Mimi Becker 9 news.

Link to their propaganda below.

Short Rebuttal.
Nobody was scared or intimidated.
There were no anti-vaxxers - infact pretty much everyone there have been vaccinated before and are pro choice, and some of them have had the c19 lethal injections of the past 2 years and had severe heart attacks, others are nurses with many years experience seeing first hand what the c19 lethal injections does to their patients, hence why they were there concerned for their patients and all future patients well being.

Nobody was stamping any authority.
Nobody had to drive through any protesting pack as north bound lane which they came from was clear of people and from there to the hospital the turning lane was clear all the way to the line of police at the front of the hospital property where it met the road / footpath, protesters were not there to make sure they never blocked or hindered any vehicle from going in or out, police had blocked the south bound lane of Royal Parade so nobody could go down that way even if they wanted, and that was about 100 meters away or so from the protesters, so everyone was forced by police to have to find a way to the north bound road of Royal Parade on the other side.
Only one car came in all the time the protesters were there, and it was the black car that came up north bound of Royal Parade, and in the video you can see traffic flowing from time to time so that was not blocked, so turning from north bound into the intersection and onto hospital ground was not blocked by protesters, only police.

There was no rage from anyone at any time at any place, as you could see from the news own segments, there was a few hugs given and people just standing around saying and going and doing nothing except just standing there. So I would assume that the crisis actor Karly Kirk was the only person full of rage and tears.

Once again no access were blocked in any area or any location by protesters, police however did block a few locations.

There was only one car that came through, and it was not flagged through, it clearly drove up the road and turned right into clear roadway and straight into hospital ground, the only ones who needed to move were the police.

Hospital front door was locked ? no protester was anywhere near any front door, so who locked the front door and why had 100 % nothing to do with any protest as they were all well away from the front door - they were on the footpath, or on the road, or a couple just off the footpath on the garden area Drumming. Nowhere near the front door, who locked the hospital front door you would need to seek the hospital to see who did that.

Extra burden coming to hospital, you were not hindered or blocked or chanted or mocked or harassed, so no extra burden came from the protest or any protesters, there was no gesturing either.

The protest continued outside ? well 1) they left after a little while, and 2, they were never inside, so yes they were outside, time and time and time again protesters are called and stated and presenting as a peaceful empathetic compassionate people who help those who need help and always without exception stay out of the way of any emergency vehicles.

Delays and intimidation to make a bad situation worse ? nobody from the protest group was doing or aiding in that so would not have a clue where that rubbish is coming from. Maybe its the hospitals continual delays and intimidation due to lack of staff and lack of actual qualified staff that know what they are supposed to know. Medical staff shortages in the thousands.

Jaala statement, its exactly because of the children and their future they are doing this, for all humanity. The protesters do not want a population extinction, thats EXACTLY why they are doing this to prevent human extinction. For the children and everyone's children to live life free and peaceful lives without pressure or intimidation or cohesion.

No one from hospital wanted to comment, no wonder, they would then have to be held accountable for their actions they been taking the past 2 years. And they know the punishment for their crimes.

Police extremely disappointed with the behaviour of the protesters ? they were not there very long, and they were courteous and peaceful and accommodating, and they were not near the entrances etc.
The real reason I believe the police were disappointed ( if they were at all ) is because these thugs - Criminals In Costumes really wanted to fight with the protesters. And the protesters were never giving anything the Criminals on Patrol which they could use as a precedent to fight.

That doctor - definitely not a doctor anyone would want to have as their doctor or a doctor of someone they care about with such a callous response like that, no care or treatment for patients. Would not trust him as far as I could throw a 3 carriage train.

With the upset upsetting someone to be upset and so forth, stop spreading and sharing lies and fear and false accusations etc and all upsetness will vanish and disappear. Turn off your Tv, it does wonders for stress levels and helps increase your knowledge and gives you peace and is relaxing and helps you to know about what is really happening around the world

Mimi Becker 9 news report lied so much, the entire report from start to end, even before it started was all 100 % lies and false accusation, etc. There was not one thing in the news report that was true, except maybe Mimi's name and Peter hitchener name, other than that, all lies.

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