Sacred Alchemy with Joy Kingsborough

2 years ago

‘Unity consciousness to me is very simple. It is awakening to the fact that we are not separate, we are one. It’s as simple as that. Knowing that is the only trick to it. You don’t have to do anything else to experience unity consciousness, you just have to be willing to do it and stay there.’

‘Wealth is the ultimate well-being experienced through me, and it’s even more than that. It’s richer than that. There is only one thing valuable in this world, because there is only one thing that is real, and that’s energy. You can also call that energy consciousness. It is the essence of the energy that animates your body. Your body isn’t real, your bank account isn’t real, and all of your stuff is just an expression of that energy. You are a stream of energy, you are the only thing that’s real, and you’re the only thing of value.’

‘I dream that the world will dream for itself and that everyone will wake up and have their own dream, and live it. I really really want for the world that it can dream itself, create itself and that it can be conscious at the same time it is creating its experience.’

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