ASTONISHING: What the FBI Took from Trump

2 years ago

We now know that during last week’s unprecedented FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s personal residence Mar-A-Lago, the DOJ seized private, attorney-client privileged documents.

These were literally President Trump’s private communications with his lawyers, protected by attorney-client privilege, but they decided it was within their authority to take whatever they wanted, regardless of privacy or legality. Did they give them back immediately once they realized this fact? Nope. Did they set up someone as an independent intermediary between the FBI agents and who was actually sourcing the documents? No, they did not do that either.

The FBI has decided it can determine which documents it should have and which it should not. That likely means they’ll have to read all of them to decide. The FBI has proven time and again that it cannot self-regulate. These could be personal documents involving protected conversations between President Trump and his lawyers, but we have to leave it to the Deep State FBI leadership to review them to make that determination. Really?

Folks, we’ve said it before, but if the Biden Administration and the radical Left have no problem twisting the law and weaponizing the DOJ to target a former President what do you think they’ll do to you?

ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow gave a perfect summation of what the FBI has pulled here:

"Here’s what’s totally outrageous about all of this, and let’s be clear about this. Number one, if the FBI engages in an unprecedented act, which they did, when they made the decision to execute a search warrant on the former President of the United States’ principal residence. Unprecedented in U.S. history. Then in the process of them gathering this information that they had, they come across what? They come across documents that are clearly attorney-client communications between the President and his lawyers. Those are privileged. They take them anyway.

Now what would normally happen then is, once notified, you would then ask for a special master. A special master works with the judge, not with the Justice Department, to review these documents so that they’re not used by the Department of Justice to engage in activities that could be problematic, like reviewing attorney/client information. But no, the Department of Justice says no, we will set up a filter team.

Let me tell you what a filter team is. I had this when we were doing the Mueller probe. A filter team IS the Department of Justice – it IS the FBI – or Department of Justice lawyers with the FBI reviewing the documents saying this is covered, this isn’t and then they send it to what is called a taint team. The taint team said well maybe this document should go back. But does anybody believe for a minute that at that point these documents haven’t been thoroughly reviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the agents that are involved in this case?"

It really does feel like the Biden DOJ thinks we’re all stupid. That we won’t see the circus antics they’re pulling. We’ve seen it before, and if no one puts a stop to it, we may very well see it again. As Jay also said, this is the FBI’s M.O. under Biden, as it was under Obama-Biden:

"Does anybody out there believe that this is a coincidence? Well let me give you a couple of other coincidences while we’re talking – coincidences during the Mueller probe when it was issued about Strzok, the FBI special agent that was the counterintelligence expert. When they needed his phone because the inspector general was concerned about communications between him and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, oh, it was scrubbed when it was turned in. We don’t have access to it. They didn’t preserve the evidence. You want me to go through the list of the FBI filing with the court a false email, changing the language of an email to get a FISA warrant on an American citizen. So all of this just happens. It’s just happenstance. And don’t worry; trust the FBI. They’ll handle it."

That’s right. Nothing to see here folks. Trust the Biden DOJ.

I don’t believe it for a minute. And I’m afraid there will be a lot more shocking revelations of corruption before this is all over.

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