[Deprogrammed] Tuition Well Spent?

5 years ago

In this episode, we travel back in time to Keri's college years. What did she learn in her "Sexualities in Film and Video" class, and how did it shape her thinking as an SJW? What are YOUR kids learning? Is that tuition bill worth it, or are you paying to have your child poisoned?

About Deprogrammed
Every Thursday at 10:00 Pacific, former SJW Keri Smith joins Unsafe Space to co-host "Deprogrammed."

We'll explore the philosophy, strategy, and tactics that Marxist and postmodern nihilists use to program "Social Justice Warriors," turning otherwise thoughtful, critically-minded individuals into armies of extreme leftist NPCs. Each week, we'll talk about a different aspect of "social justice" culture, drawing both from Keri's personal experience as well as current events.

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