DISSECT: Psyops & Trigger Warnings – Introjection (17 minutes)

2 years ago

In this Deprogramming Your Mind Learning Series Video, I walk you through the programming happenings since the infamous raid on Mar-a-Lago on Monday, 8/8/2022. We’ve been on a roller coaster of narratives that I think will only escalate from here on out. I see the DC Cabal is essentially doing the proverbial throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks tactic because thus far their deceptive psychological manipulation tactics are failing. Too many holes and too many conflicts of interest that make their lies nearly impossible to believe.

They are relying on people’s existing programmed mental shortcuts of the past relating to all things Trump to activate the needed defense mechanisms to keep people compliant and conforming with the Acceptable Views Hive Mind. The problem is those old programmed mental shortcuts have been greatly weakened over the last 18 months due to the collapse of our nation based on the mountain of “bad” decisions made by a government that is hell bent on destroying our nation, all in the name of saving our democracy. They scream “No one is above the law” while committing crimes right in our faces. Their tactics are no longer working which is also why we can expect escalation. It’s going to get ugly.

In this video, I focus specifically on the Ego Defense Mechanism, INTROJECTION. I believe this is the one they rely on to be triggered anytime they drop an inflammatory narrative shift. They rely on people’s ignorance and blind belief in their propped-up authority figures to stay in the dark. And as I always say IT’S COMPLETELY PREDICTABLE ONCE YOU TRAIN YOUR MIND TO SEE IT. Unfortunately for them, what worked in the past no longer works today. And fortunately for us, those of us who value freedom above all, there is nothing to fear here but fear itself.

We have no choice but to be courageous. And we have to continue to speak truth, love each other and forgive each other. Be the light in the darkness.

Open your mind and come learn with me.


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