Melbourne Protest Rally - 13 08 2022 - Part 3 of 7

2 years ago

March down Burke Street turn right into Elizabeth Street.
90 seconds later Criminals In Costumes barricade the footpath and form a line to stop absolutely anyone from walking on the footpath or pass where they stopped, for absolutely no reason what so ever other than to be a pack of evil criminal thug tyrants on a huge massive power trip.
They have no authority to stop people walking on a footpath for absolutely no reason what so ever.
Rhythmic Drumming on Elizabeth Street to bring awareness for the protection of the children.
2 motorbike riders on the one bike are both wearing face mask on under their motorcycle helmets, why I have absolutely no idea.
March up Elizabeth Street.
Stand at Elizabeth Street & Royal Parade intersection.
March up Royal Parade to "The Women's" - across the road from "Telix pharmaceuticals".

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