♻️ Speak kindly to those that have been inculcated by evil...but do not remain silent.

2 years ago

🎵You may have noticed this video here before but it remains a key tenant of the currant phenomenon that we, society, are experiencing. Like cults, there are those that are using language to “program” their follows and destabilize society.

The Kooks might say that this is a conspiracy. At the very least it is a diabolical plan by a cabal of greedy and unscrupulous actors intent of forming a so called better world.

The Kooks might say that the UN is using Marxist-Leninist tactics to divide from within while using violence in the street to breakdown society. It is not obvious but there are signs. Signs like the silence from leadership in government when terrorist foment street riots in the name of social justice.

The French Revolutions, The Russian Revolutions, The Chinese Revolutions, The Cuban Revolution, and others were touted as bringing about social “equity” or fairness. Marx never charted a path to Communism but only stopped at a Dictatorship of the Proletariat. A dictatorship that feeds on the proletariat feeds on the work of others and never delivers equity. It only uses devices to PROGRAM the masses to think that UTOPIA will result from surrender of rights to the dictatorship and stripping all rights from those that oppose the New World Order…see the movies related to The 666 ♻️ and those silly Christians that believe in God and Love ✨

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