Hyperactive Children - Drug-free Answers (Allan Wohrnitz ~ Nutrition Expert)

2 years ago

How do you calm a hyperactive child naturally?

A common oppressive handling of hyperactive children is to give them drugs to make learning possible and classrooms manageable. To compound the problem, those drugs are assured to be “harmless”.

These drugs are addictive, cause risk of suicide, cause liver damage, destroy many essential nutrients, create drug addicts and children prone to drug abuse in the future.

If these hyperactive children were recognized as victims of malnutrition and given - instead of drugs - a completely adequate diet, the majority of children might soon be as relaxed as sacks of cotton, their minds far more alert, their energies restored to normal.

Discover how Allan has helped hundreds of parents help their children live a drug-free life and reduced the symptoms of hyperactivity to the point where the child can manage himself, can control himself, and is able to focus, concentrate and have long attention spans - without the need of drugs.

Contact Allan for a Free Health Questionnaire: www.thetahealth.co.za/dietitian-nutritionist-1.php

Allan Wohrnitz is a nutrition expert in South Africa providing practical health solutions.

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