MASSIVE Groups of ORBS While Hiking In The Woods + Various Other Anomalies & Tree Spirits 12/18/20

4 years ago

MASSIVE groups of Orbs moving at incredible speeds as well as near perfect symmetric beauty. Please refer to the beginning of the video for a more detailed description of what happened. There is first a short holiday hello sent out to all of you wonderful people and then a couple minute audio clip explaining what occurred.

--Intro: 0:00 to 0:26
--Short Holiday Hello: 0:27 to 1:06
--Audio Testimony of What Happened: 1:06 to 5:33
--Raw Video File: 5:33 to 10:01
--Reduced Speed (25%) For Researchers: 10:01 to 21:12
--Outro: 21:12 to End of Video


--EXPERIENCED OCCURRED: After 3+ Hour Trail Hike. While on the hike we were both taking lots of up close pictures and video with our cameras of our surroundings such as flowers, moss, streams, palms, trees, fish, butterflies, and various wildlife including a gator sunning itself which will be uploaded to the channel here in the coming days.

--DATE & TIME OF VIDEO CAPTURES: Thursday, December 17, 2020, 3:57:42 PM to 4:11:39 PM

--WEATHER: Mostly Clear & Sunny - Temp: 76 Degrees Fahrenheit

--TOTAL DURATION OF EXPERIENCE: Slightly Under 20 Minutes

More live streams & guest interviews are on the way soon! Stay Tuned & please don't forget to hit that bell as well as sign up for both of the backup channels. In these days you never know, so this is how we can all stay in touch. My Twitter is also listed below as well as in the channel profile.

Wishing you all a Happy 2020 Ahead! We'll see each other soon.

Much Love & Blessings,
*--Forever Conscious Research Channel 2*


*--Forever Conscious Research Channel 3*
*--Forever Conscious Research Channel Twitter--*


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