Important Data Patterns to Recognize In Near Death Experiences & Reincarnation Soul Trap Discussed

4 years ago

UPDATE: *STREAM STARTS AT 5:24 MARK* - In today's video I will go over a list of important data patterns that tend to repeatedly show up among people who have had near death experiences also known as NDE or NDEs for short. Just as a side note, not everything on this list will happen to every experiencer but once you start reading, listening, and/or watching people's accounts of what happened to them a clear pattern begins to develop that can not be dismissed (even by the skeptics). These people who live to tell their story may not check off every single box on this list but you will see many of them appear once you start investigating and listening to what they have to say.

These patterns prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the body is simply a vessel or meat suit currently residing in this material realm that we call Earth and that our soul/spirit transcends this Matrix. This was well established by the ancients long before any of us were capable of compiling such in depth information like will be presented in this video.

 Lastly, I will also go into the: reincarnation trap, soul trap, life review trick, tricked into the light, reincarnation loop, and the many other known terms used by a small group of us who believe that when we die our soul is "tricked" by a number of deceptive methods/entities all in an effort to get us to cling on and stay routed in this material existence. This often happens while one is on their way to the "life review" or at the life review process itself, and continues until one relinquishes their free will. I go into great detail why many including myself believe this to be true.

The main thing we all must take into consideration is that if this realm we live in is a hologram or a programmed illusion of sorts then we can compare it to our modern day computers and AI technology because with that technology we have the ability to produce realistic holograms/illusions that are as real as the seat you are sitting on right now....but the realms "supercomputer" that runs this place is obviously on a much grander scale......One that I frankly think has more than likely run its course because "reality" as it is presented here is absolutely absurd, ridiculous, and makes no sense anymore lol.

Just look around you and observe this place; observe society, politics the media, politics, religion, war, social media, and ask yourself this one question....Why the need for so much insanity but more importantly why the need for so much CONTROL? That control placed on us has the power to distract and degrade your soul while here into a materialistic black hole; possibly forever.

Regardless if one believes or should I say knows deep within themselves or not, the Earth realm is a spiritual battle for our souls.....In my eyes this is something that can not even be debated because it's just the truth of how this place works and the grand design at the end of your life is all an effort to keep coming back.

If you can please stick with this presentation to the end because this is really important information that everyone should hear, especially the person who is sitting there trying to hunt for truths and make sense of some of the mechanics of how this realm works.

Lastly, if you have not read, watched, or listened to multiple near death experiencers accounts please take the time to do so over the next few months. You will see the patterns discussed in this video over and over and over again.

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Blessings to you all and thanks for stopping by.

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