Mind Control, Why Things Won't Change, & YES It's True NY GOV CUOMO Won an EMMY for Daily Briefings

4 years ago

Today we will discuss 3 different topics...#1) Mind Control, #2) Why Things Likely Won't Change In Our Lifetimes Because of #1, and then #3) The absurdity of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo actually winning an EMMY for his briefings...Yet again here we are together proving how confident this realms current controllers really are with their plans. On it's face, sure it doesn't look any less ridiculous when viewed through the lens that is 2020 but in my opinion this really cements how care free they are when giving an award for acting to a governor of a state because of his daily briefings during a "health crisis".

The reasons are simple for most here to understand on why something as blatant as this can be pushed in such a public manner but for those who don't have a firm grasp yet on WHY they have such a high confidence level the reasons are fairly simple. I will discuss them in this video but here is a general outline for tonight's stream:

1) They have created and manipulated the education system
A) From birth every child goes through that similar style education system generally learning most of the same subjects and narratives which then conditions the child to think a certain way.
B) Never forget this quote: “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” ― Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle ... There is some debate on who said this first, nonetheless it is a very accurate statement that is rooted in absolute truth. The mind is carefully molded for maximum exploitation. **Look Below For Further Context on this quote


2) Controlled Forms of Media (TV, Newspaper, Magazines, Internet, Movies, etc) & Religion
A) Media control of the masses brain is nothing new. It has been going on for a very long time.
B) The control has only gotten much worse as the internet has aged. For as thankful as we all are that the internet exists on the flip side we are also experiencing censorship on an unimaginable scale.
C) The flicker of the TV, computer monitor, tablet, mobile phone, or any other screen based device have been proven repeatably to mess with your brainwaves and place one into an alpha state. In fact the alpha state is associated with meditation and makes someone relaxed and PRONE to suggestion when crossing over into the alpha state. Besides indoctrination through the education system and religion, screen usage is one of the biggest reasons why we are where we are in society today. It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes for this brainwave switch to alpha to occur depending on the persons frequency in which they watch.


3) Religion
A) Let us not forget religion, putting aside the barbaric terrorizing of the masses back in the day, religion was one of the OG control structures that worked extremely well back when technology didn't exist. Of course the barbaric terrorizing of the masses also went hand in hand with religion as well but religion has stood the test of time to this day and works great to not only continually brainwash people but also rob them of their spirituality. Religion is the ace in the hole for the power structure to prevent good meaning people from finding out who THEY really are.

Again the flaunting to the public of an Emmy award win for a GOVERNOR in any context is nothing more than a smack in the face to anyone who can think for themselves (us) & for those fast asleep on autopilot it is business as usual. It is the perfect storm of mixing celebrity culture, US / world politics in order for the ever so holy agenda to continue on its scripted path.

**(From Quote Above)--“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man."

"Apparently helpless in their mother's arms, the infant seems incapable of learning. In fact, the baby is at the most absorptive stage and totally open to external influences. From birth they learn to stand, to talk, and to think. Becoming able to stand upright, to speak, and to think are remarkable achievements in a period of three or four years. And the young child does this without benefit of formal instruction through a combination of latent ability, instinct, and, above all, imitation. Imitation is the special talent that characterizes the period up to the age of six or seven. The young child mimics everything in the environment uncritically-not only the sounds of speech, the gestures of people, but also the attitudes and values of parents and peers."

*--Forever Conscious Research Channel 2*


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