The Heaven & Hell Astral Realm Deceptions Inside The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap (Rd Description)

3 years ago

Like with other truths many of us have learned while on our journey, The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap has *multiple layers* of study involved before the big picture truly comes into view. One of the more twisted areas where it thrives greatly with MUCH success is in Deceptive Heaven & Hell Astral Realms.
From a very young age large numbers of good people around the world GIVE THEIR CONSENT TO BELIEVE either by choice or by force into the concepts of both Heaven & Hell. It is very weird to think of consent & force being discussed in the same sentence but it needs to be looked at in a certain way to properly be understood. Here is an example to consider...As a child you are born into a Christian family, you go to church, you go to Sunday school, you may have bible studies, and heck you may even attend a Christian based school for the full on experience. The fact that in your developmental years as a child you are brought up in this type of environment is dangerous on it's own but even worse it becomes a breeding ground for you to relinquish your consent without even knowing it. Even though you think you can call the shots when it comes to consent, let's face it this realm simply does not work that way for the majority of us. Add to it the crutch of being a child born under the veil of forgetfulness not knowing who they are or where they came from, well then you can see how this realm can thrive so well. The conditioning process is non-stop everyday in some form throughout our lives but particularly when we are children. It is the equivalent to marinating your food for a few days prior to cooking it. You need to let the marinade sit for a while before the desired taste meets up your expectations. The developmental years as a child are no different and up until about the age of 6 or 7 you are a raging homing beacon which is only taking in information on your surroundings.
So from cradle to grave while here in this material existence we are blindly consenting to ridiculous numbers of things year in and year out. Since we consent to falling for these ridiculous concepts of heaven and hell we in turn have those exact astral concepts ready and waiting for us at the time of death, all of which again are unfortunately done by ourselves. As a result, this perfect storm of consent and concepts are used against us and lead straight back to the king of all truths, and that's the Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap. The final destination is always the same, and that's to get us back down here in a body ASAP either by buying into heaven or hell or any number of other issues via the laundry list of deceptive methods we have all fallen for lifetime after lifetime. Please join me today to hear further information on this extremely important Matrix mechanism which has held a humanity in a choke hold for far too long.
0:00 Stream Countdown Clock
8:38 Topic Begins
48:51 Heaven & Hell Segment Ends / Chat + Calls Begins
1:51:14 Break
1:57:39 We Return
2:04:18 Rat / Bear Calls In

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