The Vaccine Holocaust - The Dam Has Been Broken

2 years ago

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The Vaccine Holocaust - The Dam Has Been Broken

Vera Scharav, Holocaust Survivor: One of the things that has broken the dam a little is the FDA’s authorisation for the shots for babies and children under 5. The mamas are coming out, they’re resisting; the mother instinct is starting to wake up

Even in Israel only 0.04% (1 in 2000) of children have received it. They no longer can bribe, coerce or psyop these parents into getting their babies jabbed


1.) Children have a 99.997% chance of a complete recovery.
2.) Shots are still experimental.
3.) They don't stop infection or transmission.
4.) The New York State Department of Health determined that after two doses, the effectiveness was 12%.
5.) The booster trials never looked at efficacy.
6.) The CDC has already acknowledged that kids who have gotten the shot are more likely to get infected with COVID than kids who have never gotten the shot.
7.) Kids who get the shot are more prone to pericarditis, myocarditis, and hepatitis.
8.) Pfizer's data shows that you have a 107 times greater chance of death from the shot than you do from getting infected.

Dr. Peterson Pierre: "It's time to say no. The future of the next generation rests with us."

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