Chick Flick June 9, 2022 - Silkie, Cochin, & Polish Chicks Growing

2 years ago

Welcome to the chick flick of the day, June 9, 2022. I think they have been in the new brooder for 2 or 3 days. Something I am learning, over and over, about chickens: They don't like ANY changes.

My first set of baby chicks growing up. They hatched these babies out on May 23. We got them on May 24. I ordered them from Cackle Hatchery and have been super happy with what I got. Sometimes the camera jus moves off the babies.

00:00 Welcome to Chickens For Chicks and homesteading
00:15 Chick Flick-how will today go??
00:45 Had to turn their light off... Way too hot for them
01:21 Tried tapping no dice
01:45 A little harder to film the babies
02:30 There's lots of road noise that they aren't used too
02:45 Starting to get over the fear
04:00 My son's dog is barking at the chicks, can't get them, but the chicks don't know that
05:20 Most of the babies are feathering out nicely
06:00 Patience is NOT my strong suit
06:45 Lesson learned: just fix anywhere you think they could get out
07:45 Follow us

I recorded how my babies grow each day. This is my first set of baby chicks. I ordered them from Cackle Hatchery. They are the Crested “Top Hat” Special and the Feather Footed Bantam Assortment Special ordered 10 of each mix. If I had it to do again, I would not have ordered the mixes because I'm using these to start a breeding program. I love my babies, but business wise ordering specific chicks would have been a much better plan.

We also have 1 guinea and three silkie babies that survived a freak storm in this group. Enjoy watching them grow. I will have them all linked into a playlist so you can watch them. Chick flicks to enjoy:

Hi. This is Chris of Chickens For Chicks. This is where my babies are, and I would love for you to come on along with me on my journey in homesteading and learning about my chickens and doing all that fun stuff.

Hi. This is Chris of Chickens For Chicks. This is where my babies are, and I would love for you to come on along with me on my journey in homesteading and learning about my chickens and doing all that fun stuff.

See how this goes today? This is our chick flick of June. Hold on. I have a better hold of that camera. Okay.

June ninth. These are my fuzzy-wuzzies. Let's see if anybody'll can see me. I had to turn their heat lamp off. Because I think it was getting too hot. You got everybody back there.

And that one right there. Everybody's over there. Kind of harder to get in this brooder. It's of harder to keep track of who's doing what, trying to get them to come over. And there's somebody.

It looks like they might be hot. Which is kind of understandable, it's kind of hot. That's my girl. There we go. There we go. Some of you are remembering. There's my little black one. He's starting to remember. There we go babies. Foxy! There we go bubbies. Look at them babies. Look at those babies. All the babies. All the babies.

See? You don't care. Trying to get them to where they can on my hand, like they used to in the room. Come on, babies. Come on. There we go. Foxy. No. Look at those wing feathers. Look at the wing feathers.

Just got to be patient. Foxy. No. There we go. There's my curious bubby. By the way, lesson learned yesterday. If you think you might have an area that your babies can get out of, you might want to fix it because one of these little pop top bubbas ended up getting out and he ended up in my husband's tool shed.

Luckily, my son came home, and was able to help me find him. That one's circling. Mmkay, I'm going to have to end this chick flick.

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