跌倒的你啊,趁还有今天,行动起来!(BACKSLIDDERS) Make your move while you are STILL here

2 years ago

Source原视频 https://youtu.be/bLrSQDcAxQE


Youtube Channel: Standing for Truth

This message is for people who have been walking with the Lord but have fallen back into sin and into the world and into bondage. You have a choice, either you continue down this path of sin and darkness further, displeasing the Lord, or you stop sinning and repent. It always comes down to whether you're willing to get back up and keep fighting, keep denying your flesh and forsaking your life, or stay down and listen to the devil and his lies, and let him discourage you. If you end up dying in your sins, then there will be no more hope for you left. And in fact it will actually be even worse for you. You will face even much more even worse pain and torment in hell. Recognize that you are still here today and you are still alive and you are breathing. God has given you an undeserving grace and mercy. He's given you a chance. So, use this as an opportunity to honor that love by repenting, being serious and obeying Him, getting back up and carrying your cross. Do what is right and say, "I will never go back to that sin." Make your move while you are still here.


来自Youtube Channel: Standing for Truth

这篇信息是给那些曾与主同行,但又跌回罪中,回到世界,陷入捆绑的人准备的。你现在有一个选择,要么继续在这条罪恶和黑暗的道路上走下去,让主更加不喜悦,要么,停止犯罪并悔改。这取决于你是否愿意重新站起来,继续战斗,继续否认你的肉体,舍弃你的生命,还是, 继续堕落,听从魔鬼和他的谎言,任他让你沉入灰心丧气。如果你最终死在自己的罪中,那你就不会再有任何希望了。 事实上,对你来说那只会更糟。你将会在地狱里遭受更多更严重的痛苦和折磨。要知道,你今天仍然在这里,你仍然活着,你还有呼吸,这是上帝给的你不配得的恩典和怜悯。他给了你机会!所以,抓住这个机会,借着悔改、认真坚决和顺服他,重新站起来,背起你的十字架,来尊荣这份爱。做正确的事,说:"我再也不会回到那些罪中"。趁还有今天,行动起来!

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