Why Do Globalists Hate Trump So much?

2 years ago

Why Do Globalists Hate Trump So much?
First published at 11:22 UTC on August 14th, 2022.

#nwo #greatreset #trump


The New World Order was progressing on schedule until Donald Trump came along and interfered with the globalists and their "Great Reset" program. Trump has since been barred from his second term with the help of some bad people. This video exposes some of these ghouls, including George Soros, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, the Davos Group, The World Economic Forum, the United Nations, et al. We also learn that the obscene hatred for Trump is not really because of his personality, his past sins, or even his riches. It is rather because he is a patriot who stands for his nation against a one world government that his enemies and our enemies want to usher in. For this reason, we pray that in 2024, Trump gets back in once again to halt the "elites" from destroying America any further.

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