Libertarian Policy Goes Predictably Wrong In Canada

2 years ago

According to a caller from Ottawa, many Canadians were clamoring for a gas tax holiday in their country. Well, one province actually went through with that idea and passed one, and then something very much expected happened.

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Hi, I'm Jackson. I'm calling from Canada. More specifically Montreal but I don't really want to talk about Montreal. Okay, I appreciate that. Yeah, do you know anything about the Alberta government? I guess you probably know Alberta, right? We are in Texas so to speak. I'm aware of Alberta. But I don't know much about the government. okay well in the past couple of weeks I've been yelling at my friends a lot. better a couple weeks ago. because there are all these governments or all these people talking about the need for a gas tax holiday right? with the rising prices, rising prices of gas conservative people are saying oh well the government should have a holiday on the gas tax. We should cut back on whatever money the government is making from gas to ease the burden on the consumer. so the Alberta government did that. They had a gas tax holiday. they cut back their 13-cent per liter gas tax. and now well a couple weeks ago now. the conservative former leader of Alberta who since that down is calling in the competition bureau of Canada our FTC to investigate gas companies. because even though the government got rid of the gas tax offensively lowering the price by 13 cents per liter. The Albertans didn't see an actual reduction in gas prices. That's not possible because I am told by libertarian after libertarian there is a one-to-one relationship between taxation and the price of things. I just had a guy Larry Sharp for ages who just said that like if you get rid of the taxes and regulations the prices will go down. yeah it's a real shocker, isn't it? yeah, I'm just shocked. because oil companies really care about the communities they serve. and I don't sound like the behavior of. So I think you must be wrong. but yeah I just thought it was really funny this conservative leader you know going on about the gas tax holiday. it'll save the consumers so much money. and then like exactly like I predicted a couple months ago when people started floating it around. like obviously the dash companies are just going to raise the price. like obviously that's what's going to happen. well, I guess it wasn't that obvious. but well I appreciate you yelling at your friends about it. and then thank you yeah and thank you for calling. I'm not sure they did.

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