Cyberpunk Combat Highlight

4 years ago

Had a pretty cool gunfight and thought I'd upload it as a quick highlight

I'm primarily a body/reflex build. I focus on handguns, shotguns and rifles. My best weapon is Lizzie, my hot pink handgun which has a high chance to apply burn and a very high critical chance. I've had her for most of the game and still haven't found a better weapon (I've only upgraded her once too). Hard difficulty, level 19 character.

I'm running on a mix between high-ultra settings, at 1440p. With Ray Tracing set to Ultra. I usually average between 80-110fps with DLSS on performance mode, though I did not have my frame tracker on during this fight (GOG doesn't have a native one and the Xbox overlay one is gigantic), but it did look pretty smooth.

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