Creation VS evolution

2 years ago

Creation VS evolution; God says he created everything in existence in six days of creation. Humanist atheist says it was a natural process taking many billions of years. By faith I believe God's word to be true. Creationists know that God exists and that the Bible is His Revelation to mankind. God and his Word are truly knowable.

Evolutionists likewise have assumptions but their faith is blind.
They take many necessary steps for granted in the molecules-to-man model.
In other words, evolutionists assume that non-living chemicals gave rise to that first living cell which, in turn, mindlessly and randomly evolved into ever and ever more complex forms of life. To believe their goo into you is the ultimate blind faith. Both of these are a religious faith, either in the All Powerful God of creation or the random events of the universe. In this message I list some of the false assumptions.

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