2 years ago

Isaiah 41:10 King James Version
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Ricky and I had an incredible time in God's house today, and I was so glad that we went. Pastor was teaching from John 8:37-47, which is where Jesus and the religious leaders are really getting “down and dirty” with the things that they're saying to each other. Ultimately, Jesus not just simply gets the last word, but he speaks a vital truth here, make that vital truth, and that while the Jewish people, are biologically of Abraham, spiritually they're of the devil, and unless they admit their sin and turn away from it and come back to God, there gonna be lost forever. Afterwards, we went to get the Bucks County Courier Times but had to settle for the Sunday Enquirer, which is OK, then we went to a really awesome place called Lou’s Farm Mart, which is like a deli, general store type place. They have a lot of good food there homemade, lots of lunch meat, cheese is, and really good food bottom line. They were doing a special event that I wanted to check out, in which they were giving some free hot dogs and free perogies which are really tasty! I actually spent about 5 bucks playing a game involving a ping pong ball going down these little slots, kind of like Plinko on price is right. The end result was I got three $5 off coupons, plus two gift cards to Lou’s themselves! Overall it was a really great Sunday, and I really learned a lot today from this morning’s sermon. Right now, Ricky and I are just relaxing, really very grateful for the day that God gave us.

One of the things that God showed me from this passage of scripture, is that no matter what I experience in life, whether it's the physical difficulties that I have right now, any financial situations that come up (needing a tooth extracted.), or even the craziness going on in our nation right now, I know that God is here by my side, and will never leave me. I think that's why the questions from this morning's devotional, word not only challenging to my heart, but really encouraged me too. They reminded me, that no matter what I go through in life, when I'm feeling discouraged, distressed, in despair, or overwhelmed, I can cry out to Him, that God will hear me, and will always answer me. Check out these questions, and see just what I mean.

When you endure trials, how do you trust God?

How could you share your stories of God's faithfulness with others?

What I'd like to do right now, is share some things that God has shown me from His Word through this vlog tonight. To me it's a powerful reminder, that we have someone we can run to, cling to, and find shelter in, when it seems like life is too much for us to bear. Come join me in this vlog and learn what it means to know that God will never leave us!

So, as I close this post for tonight, I want to reach out all those who are secluded, separated, and all alone, especially due to COVID-19, to let you know, that with God you are never alone. I pray that If you were facing any mental health issue, financial issue, physical ailment, or any situation in which you feel overwhelmed, and feel like you can't go on, to know that you can cry out to God, and He will listen to you. I especially pray that if you’re feeling suicidal, or overwhelmed with any mental health issue, that you reach out to trusted people who can help you and know that it's not a weakness to seek that help out. Above all I pray that you will remember the precious promise that is in God's word, that says that He will never leave us or forsake us, and know that He means it! Most of all, I pray that if you do not know Christ as your savior, that you will make that decision today, to accept him as your savior. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that there is no other way to heaven but through Christ Jesus, and all you have to do is accept his free gift. If you want this, ask him into your heart today! Check out this link, and I pray that you'll make that decision today. https://www.ccphilly.org/do-you-know-him/



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