2 years ago

That's all it would take to shut me up! But there is no curvature!
They want to argue about this and about that, ask you to explain this and that and the other.....

But the bottom line is that without PROVING the earth has a curvature you have done NOTHING for your argument!

There is NO #Curvature!
ALL other arguments are futile!

The earth is either CURVED or it's FLAT!
There is nobody on earth capable of PROVING THE CURVATURE!
Because it does NOT exist!

This is the end of the debate!
If you cannot DEMONSTRATE THE CURVATURE using a scientific method then you are FINISHED! Debate is over!

And there is NO CURVATURE!

Go and download / read "Zetetic Astronomy" by Rowbotham!
'He list 20 experiments that YOU CAN PERFORM YOURSELF which disprove the globe earth THEORY!

And YES, the globe earth is an unproven THEORY which #Hollywood brainwashing and the #Satanic Freemasons at #NASA have tried to sell you!

But it's a LIE!
It's like "Russian Collusion" or the Coronavirus!

WAKE UP from your programmed reality!
And welcome to the FLAT PLANE that God Created for YOU and ME!

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