End of America

2 years ago

We are living in the Last Days foretold in Bible prophecy, in which a global government is foretold in Scripture to take over the world. In 2008 a revelation was received and publicized indicating that the final globalist push had begun. In 2015 that push was solidified in Agenda 2030, a road map to a one world government. That globalist agenda was ratified in the United Nations by virtually all Countries on Earth. The 2015 seminar entitled "The Beasts of Daniel Surfacing" explained from the prophetic book of Daniel what was about to unfold upon the world, including the global upheaval we have seen since then. The world coup of the globalists in its present manifestation is called The Great Reset, and is in the process of upending the entire world order as we have known it. This is nothing less than the globalist elite, and those under their political and economic control, making war on the public on a global scale. Of course, there is pushback from the people, many of whom are waking up to the source of the tyranny. At this point the globalists have installed their minions in political power in many nations, including the USA. The USA and its historic connection to freedom must be completely overthrown for the globalists to succeed. A Biblical message predicting the imminent doom of America was published at the end of 2021. That message is now more urgent then ever, given the recent power-grab of globalist forces in Washington. Here is a portion of that message to compare to current events. For details about any and all of this sign up for a free membership at www.tsiyon.net.

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