4.25a Yahusha’s Passover at 12 CE (short intro)

3 years ago

This presentation is about Torah’s Covenant Calendar “exact” timing for Yahusha’s first recorded Passover as He journeyed to Jerusalem with His parents. (This is not to be confused with the Easter pagan holiday so popular today.) While there is much debate about the year that Yahusha was born, is it possible that Luke is going to expose the information we need to have to know exactly which year aligns with this very important Passover for Yahusha? Remember, there is evidence of the Unbelieving Jews honouring the lunar/solar calendar for “their feasts and festivals”! And with a close look at the timing of the lunar calendar Passover – (due to the most accurate movement and cycles of the moon), we find a “key” … a very interesting “key” to unlock this calendar puzzle. When comparing the lunar calendar beside Torah’s Covenant Calendar, we can now know exactly where Yahusha was on that 3rd day “after the Passover festival” – that is the Passover festival of the Unbelieving Jews. And what was Yahusha doing? In His own words, He said “I must be about my Father’s business.” In this study, you will find “where” He was, and on “what day” it was according to Torah’s Covenant Calendar. If any of this sounds interesting to you – by all means, “Come and See.” May Yahuah bless you with His Shalom!

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