Melki tzedek part 1

3 years ago

Shalom to all that are interested in the cornerstone message of the Scriptures - the Melki-tzedek Priesthood of our Most High Ruler in the majestic heavens. Part 1 is titled the "Seed of Like Kind" for a very special reason - because this study is based from the Original Seed of Heaven - not from any corrupt seed that was attempted to be put forth by the Adversary. This will be a new fresh start to this study - perhaps one you have not seen or thought of before. This "introduction" is just that - only an "introduction" with a lot of questions - a little bit of an overview of what is yet to come. For such an important study it is deemed absolutely pertinent that everyone learns to think logically and reasonably for themselves from now on. At this point there is no intention to present a "full-blown" study of every detail of Melki-tzedek - but each one needs to know the basics of why the blood-ratified covenant is so important, and HOW that is going to relate to Yahuah's Blood-ratified Covenant Calendar. For those that are not sure about the validity of the Feasts & Festivals, this study shows with simple clarity exactly how these qodesh (holy) festivals are still valid today. Then, of course, one needs to understand the calendar count to find the dates of these festivals. We hope you enjoy the presentations and are blessed. Shalom!
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part 2
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