Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur - an anomaly - to day start?

3 years ago

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is one of those very special solemn feast days that many feel should be honored and kept faithfully.  Considering that to be so very true, it seems that keeping the Day of Atonement with the proper day-start must also be important to us - in fact very important as Yahuah has outlined in the passage of Lev 23:26-32.  Yet today, there are several different ways that Yom Kippur is observed for the day-start.  While they are all different, they can't all be right!  Maybe this is a good time to check and see if there is an option that has not been explained according to the definitions of the Hebrew language.  Perhaps there will be a "sunset surprise" in the teaching for Day of Atonement after all!  Or maybe there will be "another" pleasant surprise?  Your friends at Covenant Calendar Club invite you to "Come and see"!  Shalom!

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