5.5d Joshua & Wave Sheaf Pt 3 46 slides 10 Apr 2022

2 years ago

In Part 1 we discovered the correct day that Wavesheaf is to be celebrated on – always the 1st cay of the week AFTER the weekly Shabbat. In Part 2 we discovered the meaning of Wavesheaf and how seriously it is connected to our salvation – how important it is to know that if the Messiah had not ascended, we may not have any salvation. This is indeed a very important festival to be remembered. We also discovered that if the 1st Sabbath of Unleavened Bread shares the same “day” for celebration, that Wavesheaf takes priority every time. We also examined some counterfeit calendar with their improper placement of Wavesheaf – as many have Wavesheaf married to the Abib 16 “date” – which messes up and removes the significance and proper celebration of Wavesheaf. Now the next question must be turned to: “How did Wavesheaf get married to the Abib 16 date? Are the Jews wrong about this too?” In this teaching we are going to investigate that very item – just what happened to marry Wavesheaf and Abib 16 as a unit forever. There certainly will be some things to think about after you
“Come and See.” You just may be surprised – as well as thankful for Joshua’s accurate account of this festival.


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