5.5a Teaser - Joshua's First Wavesheaf

2 years ago

Intro Mini Presentation to Joshua's First Wavesheaf
Did you know that the calculation date and placement of the Wavesheaf festival is a very controversial topic among the many festal calendars - whether they are lunar calendars, Enoch/Zadok calendars, or any other variety. How can this be? Why is it that many different studies of the festival calendar interpret the Torah instructions so differently? Was Moses not clear enough in his instructions in Leviticus 23? Apparently, it seems to be that way. But, there is a solution - to be found in the book of Joshua by the warrior that picked up the leadership after Moses died. Who would have ever thought that Joshua would set the record straight for the Wavesheaf calculation? Yes he does, and he followed the instructions exactly as given to Moses for the very first Wavesheaf every celebrated by Israel - only when they had entered the land after crossing the Jordan. You will not only learn about the proper placement of Wavesheaf/Firstfruits, but what to do when Passover falls on the Sabbath. Be prepared to see how all of this comes together so beautifully when you
"Come and See" all 3 parts of the Joshua study.


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