Moment of explosion in the "Surmalu" shopping center in Yerevan

2 years ago

1. In #Yerevan, a strong #explosion occurred in the "#Surmalu" shopping center.

The media report that at least six teams of fire and rescue teams will be working at the scene. There are no specifics on the victims yet.

Presumably, the #warehouse caught fire with #fireworks
2. A strong explosion hit a large market in Armenia's capital on Sunday, setting off a fire and reportedly trapping people under rubble.

The Interfax news agency cited Armenia's emergency service as saying the explosion occurred in a building at the Surmalu market where fireworks were sold. The market is about two kilometers (1.2 miles) south of the center of Yerevan.
В Ереване произошёл сильный взрыва в торговом центре "Сурмалу".

СМИ сообщают, что на месте происшествия будут работать минимум шесть расчетов пожарно-спасательных отрядов. Конкретики по пострадавшим пока нет.

Предположительно, загорелся склад с фейерверками
#ереван #взрыв #фейерверками #Сурмалу

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