The Flickering of America, Donald Trump and the New World Order

2 years ago

The House passed HR 5376 the Inflation Reduction Act on Friday, surprisingly they held a hearing & allowed input, at least voters got to see the reasons why this bill is so dangerous. It will take forever to explain all the dangerous provisions in this bill so let’s consider just one provision.

This is how this works. They give the IRS $80 billion to hire 87,000 new IRS agents who will join their union & pay dues, in turn, that union will donate to the Democrat machine, always have. So the Dems will have 87,000 more armed agents knocking on the doors of conservative Americans. You are then involved in a very depressing process & you have paid taxes to support those responsible.

A recent IRS job posting listed a requirement of being able & willing to carry a firearm & use deadly force when necessary. That job listing has been deleted following uproar from citizens, but this one hasn’t: The “Major Duties” listed in the job description included “a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job,” & being “willing & able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, & other dangerous assignments.” These are not agents sitting in front of a computer looking at your taxes, these are people knocking on your door. Experts say middle-class Americans will pay the bulk of taxes, another lie by the White House.

However, this is just one issue we face, we have many. In past bills are provisions giving billions of $ to worker unions, agencies & corporations who in turn, once again donate to the Dem machine, the teachers union is one example. It’s very clever, you have people who support another party paying taxes, which in turn, you give to people who support your party, now that’s organized crime.

Wonder why they didn’t send $80 billion to the Border Patrol, isn’t that where threats to America are? They would love 87,000 more Border Agents I’m sure, although, I don’t believe the Dems are concerned with a secure America. They do seem to be concerned with a secure citizenry though, which comes about when the majority are controlled by the govt.

As a side note, this bill raises taxes on the fossil fuel industry while sending billions to the climate industry. Are you aware that 85% of Americans believe the mainstream media is untrustworthy & not reliable in providing accurate info? Can’t imagine why when you realize how many employed in media are college-educated Democrats, also Congress has a 16% approval rating.

Yes, that bright beacon of American Freedom is flickering & if we don’t have a Massive Patriot vote in November it will be extinguished forever, that isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s a frightening reality.

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