Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Part 01

3 years ago

Producer David Cox stated the game is a reboot of the franchise.[13][14] The setting of Lords of Shadow is during "the end of days" in the year 1047.[15] The Earth's alliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a malevolent force known as the Lords of Shadow. A dark spell has stopped the souls of the deceased from leaving,[16] while evil creatures inhabit the dying land and attack living people.

The main character, Gabriel Belmont[17] (voiced by Robert Carlyle[13]), is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, an elite group of holy knights who protect and defend innocent people against the supernatural creatures. Gabriel's wife Marie (Natascha McElhone[13]) was brutally murdered by one of them, and her soul cannot leave as it is trapped in limbo.[16] Because she is now neither alive nor dead, she realizes what is at stake and guides Gabriel to his destiny to save the world as he investigates the dark spell. He travels the destroyed land, meeting other characters, such as the oldest living member of his order,[8] Zobek (Patrick Stewart, who additionally narrates the game[13]). Two masks referred to as the God and Devil Masks lie at the center of the plot, with the God Mask having powers to resurrect the dead.[10] Gabriel intends to defeat the three factions of the Lords of Shadow in order to obtain the pieces of the God Mask and bring back his deceased wife.[16][18]

Gabriel Belmont é um membro da Irmandade da Luz, um grupo de elite de cavaleiros sagrados que protegem e defendem os inocentes contra o sobrenatural. Sua amada esposa foi brutalmente assassinada pelas forças demoníacas das trevas e sua alma aprisionada pela eternidade. Ao encontrar-se entre os mundos da vida e da morte, ela percebe o terrível risco eminente e guia Gabriel ao seu destino e à esperança de salvação para o mundo.

Gabriel deve encontrar os misteriosos Senhores das Trevas para reunir as peças de uma relíquia chamada “Máscara de Deus”, que pode purificar o mundo e tem o poder de trazer os mortos de volta à vida. Ao longo da jornada de Gabriel, os jogadores atravessarão mais de 50 fases desenvolvidas de forma incrível em 3D, enfrentarão mais de 45 inimigos e derrotarão enormes adversários em tempo real com habilidades, poderes e agilidade.

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