
2 years ago

A short video that tells it how it is. If you are a police officer and are "bent for the job", you can get away with anything, including murder.

The viewer is invited to check out some of the cases alluded to here: James Ashley, murdered by PC Christopher Sherwood; Harry Stanley, gunned down by trigger happy morons; the tragic Stefan Kiszko - framed by a conspiracy between corrupt police, prosecutors AND forensic scientists. After he was cleared by the Court Of Appeal, a half-hearted attempt was made to prosecute those responsible. In 1995, proceedings against those responsible were stayed by a Stipendiary Magistrate at Rochdale; the grounds for this included the length of time since the trial and the loss of a number of documents. In other words, they framed a man for a crime, covered up their perfidy for two decades, then claimed the resultant delay would make it impossible for them to get a fair trial. Unfucking real.

For a breathtaking example of police and state perfidy from the United States, check out the case of the Norfolk Four.

Below is a transcript of sorts:


Evenin’ all. Like the hat, do yer? Think it’s funny? You won’t be laughing if you cross my path, because, you see, I am a very special type of person. You can call me Plod. I’m known by many names: cop, copper, fuzz, rozzer, pig. Filth. Plod to you.

Like I said, I’m a very special person:

If you thought minorities got special treatment;
If you thought Britain was ruled by the rich;
If you thought the world was run by the ruling class;
If you thought the International Zionist Conspiracy was powerful...
Try getting a bent copper in the dock.
And even if that should happen, try getting a conviction against one.

Want me to spell it out for yer? Remember this one, Rodney King?

Take that, you black cunt. Fifty-six blows in eighty-one seconds.

Not guilty - all of us.

Think that’s racist?

Here’s what we did to a white cunt.

Gotcha! King was a convicted felon speeding under the influence.

Ian Tomlinson, he was just a bloke on ’is way ’ome; unfortunately for ’im there was a riot goin’ on at the time. I should’ve been done for assault, or even manslaughter, but we fixed it with the CPS. Independent Crown Prosecution Service, yeah right.

Just to show you how totally unbigotted I am, and brave, this is what we do to women.

Ha ha. Take that, you bitch!

This one’s a woman too.

They had to go through the motions this time, so I was convicted, but...

Six days in gaol, conviction quashed, then suspended on full pay.

That’s what’s called bent for the job, but sometimes I even get away with it off my own back.

Could you get away with rape?

Or how about stabbing your own son through the heart? Bail on a murder charge, then suspended on full pay. Then no case to answer.

Then there was James Ashley - a naked man shot dead in his own bedroom. Not guilty, but what else would you expect with a judge like Anne Rafferty?

Then there was Harry Stanley - shot dead for the crime of carrying a table leg in a bag. Sure it looked like a gun.

And don’t even mention the frame ups -- Kiszko
The Birmingham Six
The Guildford Four
Tottenham Three
The Norfolk Four

induced confessions, fabricated confessions, suppressed evidence

And I got away with all of them. Yeah, there was a half hearted attempt at a prosecution or two. But I walked away from them all, Scot free.

Still think the rich run the show, or ZOG, or the Illuminati?

There are some privileges money can’t buy.

I can get away with murder, literally. Put me in the frame, and they won’t even investigate. They probably won’t even ask you what you did with the gun.

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