Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Deadly Effects Of 'Covid-19' Vaccines 'COVID-19' Interview

2 years ago

Dr. 'Ryan Cole' Deadly Effects Of The 'Covid-19' Vaccines 'COVID-19' Interview

Dr. Ryan Cole joins Dr. Mercola- In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers.
Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. Many doctors report cancer patients with stable disease, and those who have been in remission for years, will suddenly and rapidly develop Stage 4 disease
A military whistleblower has come forward with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) database showing dramatic increases in medical visits for cancers and other conditions, post-jab
For neurological side effects of the shot, four remedies that can be very helpful are fluvoxamine (an antidepressant that blocks cytokine production in neural tissues), pharmaceutical grade methylene blue (improves mitochondrial respiration and repair), near-infrared light (triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (boosts mitochondrial function, decreases inflammation and much more)
The COVID jabs also downregulate toll-like receptors 7 and 8, which allows latent viruses such as herpes EBV4 — Epstein-Barr, aka, mononucleosis — to flourish that would otherwise have been kept in check

Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, has been on the frontlines exposing the fraudulent COVID narrative.

Dr. 'Ryan Cole' A Test To Identify A Person Killed by The COVID-19 Vaccine

Why aren't docs seeing vax deaths?
Want to know why nobody is seeing any deaths from the vaccine? It's because they aren't looking! Duh!

The tests to assess whether a death was caused by the COVID vaccine

Dr. Cole recommends Dr. Burkhardt’s protocol for autopsy.

He also wrote me:

On section II.2 I would also consider TLR4 stains on heart microscopic slides. I would also add a SARS cov2 nucleocapsid antibody test to all microscopic tissue sections where spike is found to verify damage by viral infection vs vaccine tissue damage.

So this is what the medical examiners should be doing.

How many are doing it? One.

Has the CDC ever asked anyone to do it for existing samples as well as new deaths, especially for those within 2 weeks of vaccination? No, of course not. That’s a silly question. The CDC is rewarded based on how many people get the shot. Why would they do such a study? It would instantly end the vaccination program.

The CDC is NEVER going to ask ANYONE to do the proper tests to determine causality. NFW. Not going to happen. They do not want to know. That’s why they won’t debate any of us about the deaths. No intellectual curiosity.

And Biden is never going to ask the CDC to do it either. Biden doesn’t want to look bad.

Finally, nobody in the press will ever ask Biden why he isn’t asking the CDC to demand the tests be done on people dying shortly after being vaccinated. If they did, they would be fired.

So nobody is going to find out about it unless you are a reader of my Substack.

[Note to readers: I used to be a lot more optimistic about changes like this. Now I’m just being honest.

Dr. 'Ryan Cole', Deadly Effects Of The 'Covid-19' Vaccines, 'COVID-19' Interview, Dr. 'Ryan Cole', People Killed by The COVID-19 Vaccine, Health Apps, W.E.F, Weapon For Globalist Population Control, Popular, Health Apps, Trojan Horse, Population Control, WEF, Medical Lies, Dr. Anthony Fauci, The NIH, Covid Ninja Variant, New NinjaVariant, NinjaVariant, Ninja Variant, Covid Vaccine Shedding, Ninja Variant, Covid-19 Variants, The Sick, "Vaccine Shedding" 'Covid-19, The Ninja Variant' Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, MONKEY POX DEBUNKED, Dr. Robert Malone, Monkey Pox May 2022, Monkey Pox, Monkey, Pox, Robert Malone, Monkey Pox Virus, Monkey Pox Outbreak, Vaccine Parasites, Parasites In Vaccines, COVID Jab Parasites, FOOTAGE, INSIDE VACCINES, WATCH THE WATER, WATCHTHEWATER,COVID ORIGINS DOCUMENTARY, Dr Brian Ardis, Snake Venom 19,COVID Snake Venom, Dr Judy Mikovits, Judy Mikovits, Doctors Warning, Dr Warns, Big Pharma, Ivermectin, Hydroxy Chloroquine, Medicine, Health, Wellbeing, Society & Culture, 'The Dr. Ardis Show' Drugs, The Sick, Killing Patients, Dr Robert Malone, Doctor Robert Malone, Dr Malone, Doctor Malone, Robert Malone, Viralogist, Scientist, Dr, Doctor, Doctors, Medical Physicians, Big Pharma, Healthcare, Vaccine Autopsies, Auto Immune Attacks, Killer Lymphocytes, Vital Organs, Vaccine adverse reactions, AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, J&J covid-19 vaccine, Phizer covid-19 vaccine, adverse vaccine effects, AstraZeneca, Phizer, J&J, Moderna, injured after vaccines, covid injections, Dr. 'Judy Mikovits Interview, Damning Covid 19 Evidence, Shocking Interview, Covid 19 Jabs, Covid Vaccines, Covid Vaccination, Vaccinated Getting Sick,
Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s,

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