Leaked: If people know the doctors are getting bribed they won't trust them

2 years ago

Dr. Jeffrey Teitelbaum expresses concern to Dr. Jane Zucker, Assistant Commissioner, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, that paying doctors to talk people into taking the accursed shots will become public knowledge and cause distrust.

No concerns were expressed regarding the fundamental ethical issues of bribing doctors to talk people into undergoing a medical treatment of any kind. The only concern was that word would spread and people would lose trust in the system.

This bears repeating. The problem is not that doctors are getting bribed to push people to take shots. The problem is that people would know about it.

Presumably, if doctors could be paid off without people finding out about it, that would be perfectly fine.

He also noted that doctors can already bill insurance companies for time spent pushing the other vaccines on people. Did you know that? I didn't. Isn't that something we should know? Do they also get paid for time spent advising people NOT to take certain medical treatments?

But the main thing is that we trust them...

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More is on the way.

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