Whitney Webb | How Alliance of Intelligence & Organized Crime Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein

5 years ago

Source: http://gunsandbutter.org
Organized crime pioneered sexual blackmail; collaboration of organized crime and intelligence; Lewis Rosenstiel, Samuel Bronfman and Meyer Lansky; background of Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner; former US AG, Alex Acosta; the secretive Mega Group; the Maxwells; Mossad; money laundering; insider trading; BCCI; Israeli military espionage in the US; theft and compromise of Promis software; Amdocs; Verint; Israeli tech incubator start-ups integrated into major US high tech; Israeli 8200 Signal Intelligence Unit; Carbyne and Team Eight start-ups; American high-tech moves to Israel; Pentagon cloud computing compromised; intelligence and organized crime is a business.

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