~ Last Satsang Online ~ -with Sriman Narayana.

2 years ago

~ Last Satsang Online ~

The streaming will be Tomorrow/Saturday at 9:30 AM UTC-3 ( Brazilian Time ).

Sriman Narayana Words:

"Dear Friends,
Like I said in today's satsang, from the beginning of these online satsangs, I have covered extensively all topics about quest for Liberation, it's obstacles, and the way to overcome this. Since the first satsangs I've said that I didn't want to be the another one who's entertaining you in your world... considering these points, Saturday's satsang will be the last satsang online of these series... if in the future there's a need for it, it may come back. But at this point, all teachings are available in the YouTube and Instagram channel.
Next Saturday we will end the online Satsang, if you have questions you feel have not been answered send them for Saturday."



With much Love and Reverence for each one of you, for every Spiritual Quest, for every Sacrifice and Dedication... for those who dedicate their lives to the Quest for the Divine; to the Return to Home - Sriman Narayana Sangha.

-This channel makes available Sriman Narayana's teachings to all Truth seekeers.
-Este canal disponibiliza os ensinamentos de Sriman Narayana para os Buscadores da Verdade.

-For online Satsang send your questions through Whatsapp anytime.
-Para o Satsang Online, envie suas dúvidas pelo Whatsapp a qualquer momento:
(+55 35 99946-0194)

You can use one of the channels below also:

* Site: http://www.srimannarayana.org
* FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/SriSrimanNarayana
* FB Profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070346565692
* Instagram: @srimannarayana_sangha
*FB Groups:
English Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/narayanaenglish
French Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/srimannarayanaenfrancais/
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Portuguese Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/narayanaportugues/


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