Emma Gets Outraged By Listener's Message

2 years ago

Emma is upset by this listener's message.

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Depressed Canadian: Hey MR crew back in the fraught and paranoid days right after 9/11 and all the way into the first year of the Iraq War the GOP would shut down any criticism or debate of their policies by shaming critics in public figures by saying they were directly appeasing terrorists and knowingly inciting Mass violence against Americans. This zero-sum absolutist tactic worked at least in the short term. Now the left is doing it to women who are simply criticizing the language. well, I would say not at least in the short term. and I would also say probably in the midterm. and I would say even arguably in the long term. Do you know part of the reason why you're going to see the defense authorization bill pass the Democratic house faster than you can blink an eye with 50 billion dollars extra above and beyond what the Pentagon asked for? Democrats are going to approve. so I would say it was effective in the short-term midterm and I don't know what you consider long-term but that was 20 years ago. okay, now the left is doing it to women who are simply criticizing the language used in the abortion debate and how it no longer centers on women by saying they are directly and knowingly inciting Mass suicides and violence. Wait for what?!?! This tactic will scare people into an agreement in the short term. but it will eventually burn more bridges than it ever builds. well first of all your analogy doesn't work. but how about this?

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