你不能为耶稣而活的同时,尽享属世娱乐(WarningThePeople)You cannot live for Jesus and for entertainment

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/aAaJNtp6-30

2018年11月30日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople




你不能为耶稣而活的同时,尽享属世娱乐。许多基督徒,为娱乐而活。他们活着只为满足自己的享乐。他们一直追逐着每一册新发行的书,每一部新上映的电影。他们通过听音乐或刷手机娱乐自己。他们沉迷于这个世界的享乐。他们每天目不斜视的盯着电视,他们每天兴奋不已的敲击着游戏键盘。他们完全沉迷其中,上了瘾。你不可能跟随耶稣,同时又沉迷世界,贪图自己的享乐。许多基督徒根本没有重生,但他们却认定自己一定能去天国。他们的现实却是:他们正在径直走向地狱。耶稣说:“如果有人要跟从我,就应当舍己,背起他的十字架跟从我。” (马太福音 16:24 当代译本)



你脱离了世界的享乐,来服侍耶稣了吗?或者,你仍沉迷其中无法自拔? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。


You cannot live for Jesus and for entertainment. Many Christians are living for entertainment, they live to entertain themselves, they look for every new book every new movie that comes out, they entertain themselves with music, with their phone, they are addicted to all the things of the world. They can't get their eyes off of the television. They can't take their hands off of the controller to their video game. They are totally addicted. You cannot follow Jesus and the addictions of this world the pleasures of this world. Many Christians are not born again but they think that they are going to heaven. In reality they're walking straight to Hell. Jesus said that "if any man come after Me, he must daily deny himself take up his cross and follow Me." You cannot serve Jesus and yourself. To deny yourself means you leave your own ideas behind, your own pleasures behind, you're living to serve and please Jesus and to do His will. There's no other way into everlasting life, there is no easy gospel, you can't serve yourself and entertain yourself and make it into the kingdom of God. Either you do the work of Jesus, you proclaim Him and live for Him with a good heart or you live for yourself all the way to hell. No one is going to force you, not even God Himself is going to make you follow Him. It has to come out of your own joy out of your own heart. Most teenagers most adults most people in general are addicted to the pleasures of this world. They think that they are going to heaven. Don't let a horrible surprise come to you on the day that you died. Don't be surprised that you are not following Jesus. Most people will have the surprise of their life when Jesus says, "away from Me you who commit sin, you who commit iniquity, you who are addicted to pornography and wickedness and Corruption." Are you free from the entertainment of this world to serve Jesus? Or are you an addict? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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