New Book On Pennsylvania Election Fraud Banned!!!, 3901

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Although many aspects of the coup are collapsing as we speak, the censorship aspect will probably be the last to fall.

For example, a new book revealing the election fraud in Pennsylvania during the 2020 presidential election has been cancelled – taken off the shelves by the publisher, the Ingram Content Group.

I’ve had dealings with Ingram over the years. They are one of the biggest printers and distributors of the printed word. The book is titled: “Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception” by Leah Hoopes and Gregory Stenstrom. It was destined to quickly climb the ladder of literary success until Thursday when Ingram got a call from someone, and in seconds, the distribution of this new book ceased.

Yesterday, the distraught authors sent out a press release:

“Last night, we were informed by our distributor, Ingram Content Group, that they planned to cancel our book, Parallel Election, and remove it from distribution because of a cease-and-desist letter. The book was officially removed from distribution this morning, and can now only be purchased through third party sellers on Amazon and other retailers.

“This is an unprecedented action taken by Ingram. Ingram did not receive a court order, only a letter. This sets an incredible precedent. Anyone who wants a book removed that Ingram distributes could email Ingram and say they ‘have found statements and evidence in this book to be inaccurate.’ as the writer of the letter did in this case and have the book removed.

“Powerful forces do not want the truth of the election fraud that occurred in Delaware County, PA in the 2020 election revealed. We knew this and were prepared. Intimidation, smears and slander will not prevent us moving forward with the release of Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception.

“We are working with Ingram and hope to have the title restored in short order but in the meantime, we encourage everyone who is interested in the truth and in election integrity to purchase a copy of the book directly through the website,, and to share it far and wide. The truth is on our side. God bless.”

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