A Devotional For RVers and Campers - "Grace On A Rambling Road"

3 years ago

We wanted to tell you about a book we came across that we thought would make a nice gift for yourself or a stocking stuffer for that RV enthusiast in your life. "Grace On A Rambling Road", by Nancy Bell Kimsey, is a compilation of Bible verses followed up by a short story that brings it it home so that it's easy to understand the meaning.

Available from Amazon for just $7.99 for the paperback or $4.99 for Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Grace-Rambling-Road-Devotions-Travelers/dp/1736773119/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=grace+on+a+rambling+road&qid=1637443626&sr=8-1

Preview "Grace On A Rambling Road" here:

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Surviving a Break Down In The Middle Of Nowhere - What's In My Pack?

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Our current top four 12volt compressor refrigerators:

Bodega TWW55 - Use this link to get a 10% discount: https://www.bodegacooler.com/discount/Gonagain

ICECO TR45 - https://frontierehub.com/discount/GONAGAIN (Use discount code "GONAGAIN" for 20% off of all TR models)

Setpower RV45S - 12% off with this link: https://www.setpowerusa.com/discount/Gonagain?redirect=/products/rv45-47qt-metal-fridge-freezer

Bouge RV 53qt 12volt Compressor Refrigerator: https://amzn.to/3oilgnD

Our current top three portable power stations:

Blueti AC50S - https://amzn.to/3ln8Ebs

Bluetti EB55 - https://amzn.to/3A95sXi

Bluetti EB70 - https://amzn.to/2VBoEOf

Recommended Solar equipment:
Bouge RV 180 watt solar panels: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MN1QS7L?maas=maas_adg_0AF32EDF21D8CFF3031D149A3E7654D1_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas

Xtar 100Watt Solar Portable Solar Panel -

1. SP100 Solar Panel: Original price: $269.90, get $30 OFF with the discount code “Gonagain30”

Survival Gear:
Garmin Inreach Mini: https://amzn.to/3aF7Rxg
Garmin Inreach Explorer+: https://amzn.to/2N3FAsk
Sawyer 1 Gallon Gravity Fed Water Purifier: https://amzn.to/2ZGyVut

My broad brimmed hats:
Stetson Wildwood wool felt: https://amzn.to/2MKIQVG
Henschel Crushable Soft Mesh Aussie Breezer Hat : https://amzn.to/2nRAO4R

Camping gear:
ICECO JP50 12volt Refrigerator: https://amzn.to/3fq3Ukb
Clam Screen Shelter "Venture": https://amzn.to/33zGorG
Clam Wind Panels: https://amzn.to/2MMFzVH
Coleman Single Burner Propane Stove (like the one we drop through the hole in the table): https://amzn.to/3jLoRWx
NuWay propane heater: http://nuwaystove.com/product/model-2...

Getting out on the road is what Linda and I love to do with our converted cargo trailer camper. We're part time nomads and the nomadic lifestyle suits us to a Tee. Whether your RV is a camper van, camp trailer, travel trailer, motorhome or just a car and a tent, there's going to be something interesting for you in the videos we produce. Back roads and overlanding are part of what we do while exploring the western states for beautiful, peaceful and sometimes remote places to camp on BLM and National Forest land (public land). Taking care of ourselves as much as possible and doing our own repairs is a must because we travel on a fixed income and a limited budget. If your into being off-grid and boondocking, or doing dispersed camping whenever possible then you'll appreciate the discussions on batteries, solar panels and solar chargers or power stations and 12v refrigeration. Come on along, we're happy to have your company!

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Traveling the Western States With Our Converted Cargo Trailer Camper:

More videos about cargo trailer, camper modifications and upgrades:

Car maintenance and safety on the road and tips on getting out of trouble while traveling:

Montana Camping Destinations:

Doing maintenance and making improvements to our off grid property:

Mailing Address:
Rick Herzog
P.O. Box 6932
Great Falls, MT 59406

#cargotrailercampers #convertedcargotrailer #gonagain #desert #solarcharger #12voltrefrigerator

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