How to Setup Minecraft Builders & Biomes

2 years ago

Learn how to setup the board game Minecraft Builders & Biomes quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For the rest of the gameplay rules, check out this video:

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Shuffle the 64 building and mob tiles lay them out face-down in a 4 by 4 grid with 4 tiles in each pile. Leave enough space between the tiles for the game pieces to move between. Shuffle the 16 colorless weapon tokens and place one face down at the end of each column and row. Set out the block base with the support structure on top. Randomly fill in the 64 blocks, gently shake it to settle it into a cube then remove the support structure. Each player picks a color and takes matching player board, experience counter, game piece base, and 5 colored weapon tokens.

Place your experience counter on space 0 of the experience point track that runs around the edge of your board. Shuffle your 5 weapon tokens and put them in a face down pile. Pick a player skin and push it in the base then place your player token in the center crossing of the card grid. Set out the overview cards so players can see them. For the rest of the gameplay rules, check out this video.

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