DOOM ETERNAL | "Hell On Earth" but it's 1776x more AMERICAN and Edited (PS4 Gameplay)

2 years ago

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another episode of "Kyle Plays the Video Games"! Tonight: DOOM Eternal, which is a video game about a man who saves the Earth from an invasion by the forces of Hell and singlehandedly murders every demon in the universe to avenge the death of his pet bunny.

Seriously, that's canon in the Doom lore.

This is the first mission of the campaign, appropriately titled "Mission 1: Hell on Earth", wherein the DOOM Slayer gets a call on the space phone informing him that demons have invaded the Earth, and we can't have that.

Also, he's sporting his snazzy AMERICAN Independence Day themed armor, because he's a true AMERICAN patriot.

#DOOMEternal #gaming #letsplay #PS4

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