Who's Resizing Cases?

5 years ago

I am resizing range cases by AmmoBrass.com. Upon receiving my cases I run them through the Mighty Armory de capping die, and then my Redding carbide resize die and my Redding F.L. (full length) resize die. The carbide die does the initial resize and then the F.L. die takes the case down another 0.002". I do this because these cases have been through many different firearms and this ensures they are resized back to where I need. I get perfect function this way and I rarely have a case that won't chamber. God bless and thanks for watching. Highboy

Brinks Home Security: brinkshome.com
Dillon Precision: https://www.dillonprecision.com/
Mighty Armory: https://www.mightyarmory.com/
Inline Fabrication: https://inlinefabrication.com/
Palmetto State Armory: http://bit.ly/2Mi2OsT
Accura Bullets: https://accuraoutdoors.com/
Missouri Bullet Company: https://missouribullet.com/
Bob’s Bullets: https://223bulkbullets.com/
Starline Brass: https://www.starlinebrass.com/
Ammo Brass: https://www.ammobrass.com/
Ransom International: https://ransomrest.com/

Where’s Highboy?
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